
Send successful payments from Stripe to Cometly

Connect Stripe with Cometly to automatically track key payment and subscription events, giving you complete visibility into how transactions tie back to your marketing efforts. Every successful payment, new subscription, refund, and trial conversion is seamlessly sent to Cometly, ensuring accurate marketing attribution and performance insights.

With this integration, you can:

  • Track new successful payments, subscriptions, and trials in real time.
  • Attribute revenue directly to the campaigns and ads that generated sales.
  • Gain deeper insights into customer lifetime value and churn.

How It Works

Users authenticate via Stripe's OAuth process, which automatically sets up webhooks to capture key events. When an event occurs—such as a new payment or subscription update—Cometly records the data and maps it to the appropriate marketing source, ensuring complete attribution.

Tracked events include:

  • New Successful Payment – When a payment is completed.
  • New Subscription – When a customer signs up for a plan.
  • Updated Subscription – When a subscription changes.
  • New Trial – When a customer starts a trial.
  • Trial Converted – When a trial transitions into a paid plan.
  • Canceled Subscription – When a subscription is canceled.
  • New Customer – When a new customer is added.
  • New Refund – When a charge is refunded (full or partial).

Why It Matters

By integrating Stripe with Cometly, you can:

  • Accurately track revenue attribution across all marketing channels.
  • Analyze customer behaviors, including sign-ups, trial conversions, and cancellations.
  • Optimize ad campaigns based on real sales data, not just clicks.

With Cometly’s reporting tools, you gain the ability to scale smarter, ensuring your ad spend is driving real results and maximizing return on investment.