Google Ads Training

Learn from the top Google Ads marketing experts on best practices for ad creation and ad optimization to scale your ads to new levels.

Training Course

Google Ads For Ecommerce Stores

Learn how to scale your ecommerce brand using Google Shopping Ads. You'll learn about best practices for competitive research, ad targeting, bidding strategies, budgeting, and optimization techniques. You will also learn how to track and analyze performance metrics using Cometly.

Presented by Dustin Cucciarre

Director of Search Marketing at Clicks Geek

40 Mins

Training Course

Google Ads For Lead Generation

Learn how to generate high quality leads using Google Ads. You'll learn about best practices for funnel building, ad creation, bidding strategies, budgeting, and optimization techniques. You will also learn how to track and analyze performance metrics using Cometly.

Presented by Robert Andolina

Co-founder at Clicks Geek

1 hr 30 Mins