Marketing Analytics

Make informed decisions more quickly and confidently, leading to improved marketing performance.

Simple interface for easy analysis

Analyzing data is a challenge. We make it easy and fun to analyze your data with our simple user interface.

ROAS and Profit & Loss

Easily track accurate ROAS and Profit & Loss inside your Comet ads manager for every campaign, ad set and ad. Using this valuable data will help you scale your ads confidently knowing which ads are actually bringing in revenue profitably.

Daily breakdown page report

Use the daily breakdown to see how your ads are performing on a day by day basis. This report will allow you to keep a close eye on key metrics to see how they are trending on a daily, weekly or monthly basis so you can make better decisions on your ads.

Accurate conversion value

It’s near impossible to get accurate revenue conversion value inside your native ad platform’s ads manager. Cometly allows you to see this data effortlessly.

As advertisers, we need to know what ads are getting purchases and also how much revenue these purchases bring in so we can see the true ROAS of our ad campaigns.

Campaign / ad set / ad level reporting

Using the Comet Ads Manager, you will get the full visibility to know exactly which campaigns, ad sets and ads are bringing in sales for your business. It’s important to know down to the ad level what ads are working so you can make smart, business driven decisions for your ad campaigns.

Aggregated Reporting

Cometly allows you to aggregate reports so you can view ad results for multiple businesses across the board and also combine these results to get a blended ROAS. This is helpful for agencies managing multiple clients or business owners who have more than 1 business.

Spend Analysis

The Cometly Spend Analysis helps you keep track of exactly how much money you plan on spending on your ads for that day. This is extremely useful if you are running high budgets on multiple ad accounts and even across multiple businesses.

Top Performers

It’s important to know the ads that are performing best for your business so you can optimize and scale those ads to higher budgets thus leading to more sales. Cometly gives you a simple breakdown at a quick glance for knowing exactly what ads are your top performers!

Ready to get better ad results?

Improve visibility. Feed AI for better ad optimization.