Team of ad experts building the future of revenue attribution

Our Story

In 2012, our founders started a digital advertising agency. Over the span of 7 years, the agency served more than 1,000 clients across 22 countries. The agency was acquired by a larger advertising agency in 2019.

In early 2020, the founders developed an advanced ad attribution system using excel sheets, which later became the initial prototype of Cometly. After several months of early development, they began using the first version of the product, which provided complete transparency in their ad performance.

In April 2021, the first version of the product was launched in a private beta.

In November 2021, Cometly was released to the public with the mission of helping marketing teams accurately attribute revenue and prove marketing ROI.

Grant Cooper
Matt Pattoli
John Shipp
Senior Technology Advisor
Max Minin
Senior Lead Developer
Alexandre Calsavara
Senior Software Engineer
Tom King
Account Executive
Buddy King
Account Executive
Joe Micucci
Customer Success Manager
Bryan Engle

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