Exclusive Commission Hero Offer

Make more money from your ads using Cometly

Use Cometly to get accurate ad attribution data so you can focus on optimizing and scaling your ads profitably.all in one place.

Sign up for the year and Save 50%

Cometly is enterprise software that starts at $6,000 /year to the public. Our exclusive Commission Hero offer gives you a massive discount + you can save an additional 50% when you choose the yearly option below.


What Our Clients Say

Join the growing number of customers and champions who trust Cometly for marketing attribution and analytics for their clients.

Jonathan Ronzio

Co-founder & CMO at Trainual

Better ad targeting. Better funnel insights. Better CPA control. We've scaled our ad spend 40% since implementing Cometly and it's definitely one of the tools in our tech stack that's given us the confidence to do so. Not to mention they've been incredible partners to our team, with hands-on support and an authentic investment in our success.

John Parkes

CMO at ClickFunnels

Cometly has been great to work with! They are helpful in getting set up properly, their interface is very user-friendly, and the data is extremely accurate. Accurate attribution data is vital to profiting and scaling successful ad campaigns.

Rexell Espinosa

Growth Marketing at Design Pickle

Our team relies on Cometly to track and attribute various KPIs, including revenue, to the correct marketing sources. Cometly has enabled us to view our paid media spend in a single, comprehensive view. The Cometly team went above and beyond to help us get set up, ensuring a seamless integration with our existing systems. We particularly appreciate the easy-to-use interface and the ability to customize dashboard views to meet our specific needs.

Why choose Cometly?

Ads Management
Ads Manager
Clean UI
Ad Spend Pricing
Data Retention
1 Year
1 Year
1 to Unlimited
Active Campaigns
Ad Accounts
Trackable Domains

Accurate ad attribution is the foundation of scaling your digital ads profitably

Affiliate Marketers are rapidly creating and testing new ad creative to find winning ads — and that's only possible by having accurate ad attribution. Cometly helps affiliate marketers accurately track to quickly identify winning ads, save wasted ad spend, and increase ad profits.

Unlock new visibility

Get the true ad performance based on our accurate Gen-3 pixel technology. Spend less time digging through data and easily identify profitable ads. Spend more time optimizing the right ads and scale profitably.

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Save wasted ad spend

How many of your ad dollars are wasted? Wasted ad spend refers to the ad spend spent on 'losing' or significantly under performing ads due to bad tracking. With Cometly, proactively turn off unprofitable ads before they overspend and dip into profits.

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Increase ad profits

Accelerate winning ad campaigns faster by having realtime accurate ad & sales data, all in one place.

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